To preserve the proud legacy of the Purple Heart Medal.



Chapter 776 presented the Inverness Elks Lodge No. 2522 with a Purple Heart flag in recognition of its designation as a "Purple Heart Lodge" during a luncheon ceremony hosted by the Elks. The Inverness Elks Lodge is the 18th Purple Heart Entity designated by Chapter 776. Left: Richard Hunt, Chapter 776 Commander; Richard Barmes, Elks Government Relations Chairman; Bill Nanny, Elks Veterans Chairman; Edwin Torres, Elks Exalted Ruler; and Jerry Frease, Chapter 776 Americanism Officer.

The Citrus County Tax Office (CCTO) spring fundraising campaign, in partnership with the Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), presented a check for $21,357.11 for the benefit of the Citrus County Veterans Foundation that provides financial assistance to honorably discharged veterans and their surviving spouses in urgent need. Front row from Left: Richard Hunt, Chapter 776 Commander; Barbara Mills, CCVF Director; Teresa Williams (CCTO DHSMV Administrator); Curt Ebitz, CCVF President; Diana Finegan, CCVF Director; John McGee, CCVF Director. Middle row from left: Mari-Elain Ebitz, Chapter 776 Associate; Susan Waugh, Tammy Smith, Bonita Tholund and Lydia Dunn, CCTO Customer Service Representatives; Terri Harrison, CCVF Sevretary; Philip Watson, Citrus County Veterans Service Office Manager. Back row from left: Bill Merryman, Chapter 776 Trustee; Ann Fair, Chapter 776 Associate (Not seen); Kim Frease, Chapter 776 Associate; Jerry Frease, Chapter 776 Americanism Officer; Joe McCLister, Chapter 776 Finance officer; Dan Robbins, CCVF Director; Doug Hockenberry, CCVF DIrector.

During the Purple Heart breakfast hosted by the Inverness Elks Lodge #2522 commemorating the 242nd anniversary of the Purple Heart, the Citrus County Building Alliance (CCBA) presented a $5,000 donation from the CCBA's 29th Annual Family Fishing Tournament proceeds to the Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart as the tournament's charitable partner. Left: Curt Ebitz, Chuck Kanehl, Will Korber, Bob Gibson, Kayla Carroll, John Porter, Dusty Porter, Marie Brotnisky, and Richard Hunt.

During the annual Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) Armed Forces Day picnic, Macie Waller and Cortlyn McClain of Citrus High School were recognized as the recipients of the $1,500 Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776/College of Central Florida Endowed Scholarship and the $1,500 Sgt. Dennis J. Flanagan Memorial Scholarship, respectively.  

From left: Richard Hunt, Chapter 776 Commander; Macie Waller, scholarship recipient; Nancy Weaver Dalton, widow of CWO Aaron Weaver; Scott Hebert, Assistant Superintendent of Citrus County Schools.  Cortlyn McClain not available.

Chapter 776 was also recognized as the MOPH Department of Florida Chapter of the Year, as well as Chapter 776 members Gary Bain, Sandra Cross, and Frank Hayes who had the distinct honor of being recognized as both the MOPH Department of Florida and Chapter 776 Patriot, Associate and Volunteer of the Year, respectively, giving Chapter 776 a clean sweep of all the 2024 Department of Florida awards. 

From left: Richard Hunt, Chapter 776 Commander; Lou Barnes, Senior Vice Commander MOPH Department of Florida; Gary Bain, Chapter 776 & MOPH Florida Patriot of the Year; Sandra Cross, Chapter 776 & MOPH Florida Associate of the Year; Frank Hayes, Chapter 776 & MOPH Florida Volunteer of the Year.

Newly elected Chapter 776 officers for 2024-25

The 2024-25 officers for Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart were administered the Oath of Office by Past Chapter 776 Commander J.B. Haskins during the Chapter's March bimonthly meeting. 

From left: Jerry Frease, Americanism Officer; Gary Bain, Sr. Vice Commander; 

Richard Hunt, Commander; Robert Gibson, Sergeant at Arms; Joe McClister, Finance Officer; Mickey Hunt, Welfare Officer; Curt Ebitz, Adjutant; Will Korber, 1-Year Trustee. Not present: Chuck Kanehl, Jr. Vice Commander; Bill Merryman, 2-Year Trustee; John Carlson, Judge Advocate; Troy Allen, Chaplain.


2023 Purple Heart Breakfast

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The Citrus County Building Alliance (CCBA) presented a donation of $5,000 from its 28th Annual Family Fishing Tournament to Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart as the tournament's charitable partner.

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PHOTO 1. Members of West Citrus Elks Lodge 2693 Veterans Committee who graciously volunteered as servers for the Purple Heart breakfast.

PHOTO 2. The Citrus County Building Alliance (CCBA) presented a donation of $5,000 from its 28th Annual Family Fishing Tournament to Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart as the tournament's charitable partner.  

PHOTO 3.  Left: Cdr. Richard with Department of Florida Patriot of the Year Curt Ebitz and Department of Florida Jonas Jacobsen Volunteer of the Year Troy Allen.

PHOTO 4.  Chapter officers with distinguished guests left: Cdr. Richard Hunt; Chaplain Troy Allen; Finance Officer Joe McClister; Staff Assistant to Congressman Gus Bilirakis Angel Os, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army Peter Tan; Citrus County Commissioner Diana Finegan; Citrus Co. Property Appraiser Cregg Dalton; Adjutant Curt Ebitz; Trustee Will Korber; Americanism Officer Chuck Kanehl; and Citrus Schools Coordinator of Special Academic Programs Darrick Buettner.  

PHOTO 5.  Peter Tan, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army with Associate Members Pat Michael and Shirley Platt.

The Citrus County Veterans Foundation (CCVF) and Chapter 776 recognized the Citrus County Tax Collector Office and its top three fundraisers for their recent fundraising campaign that raised $10,453.04 for the benefit of the CCVF.

Chapter 776 Cdr. Richard Hunt presented Citrus County Property Appraiser Cregg Dalton a Purple Heart coffee mug for his presentation on property tax exemptions and discounts for disabled veterans.

Citrus High School graduating senior , Evan Jones was recognized as the 2023 recipient of the $1,500 Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 MOPH College of Central Florida Endowed Scholarship.  Left: Darrick Buettner; Kathy Tomposelli, grandmother; Richard Hunt; Evan Jones; Dr. Scott Hebert.

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Crystal River High School graduating senior, Austin Edwards was the 2023 recipient of the $1,500 Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 MOPH Sergeant Dennis J. Flanagan Memorial Scholarship.  Left, front row: Kent and Julie Edwards, parents; Richard Hunt; Austin Edwards; Patricia and Dennis Flanagan; Dr. Scott Hebert.  Back row: Darrick Buettner.

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Marleigh Miller, a Crystal River High School graduate now enrolled at Florida Gulf Coast University, was the 2023 recipient of a $1,000 Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 MOPH Special Scholarship Award for her exemplary support of Chapter 776 and the Citrus County veterans community.  Left: Darrick Buettner; Joni Miller, mother; Richard Hunt; Marleigh Miller; Dr. Scott Hebert.

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During The Chapter 776 Annual Armed Forces Day Picnic, Chapter 776 Patriot of the Year Curt Ebitz was recognized for his exemplary contributions to Chapter 776 and our community.

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During The Chapter 776 Annual Armed Forces Day Picnic, Chapter 776 Associate of the Year Sandy Cross was recognized for her exemplary contributions to Chapter 776 and our community.

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During The Chapter 776 Annual Armed Forces Day Picnic, Chapter 776 Volunteer of the Year Troy Allen, Chapter 776’s chaplain, was recognized for his exemplary contributions to Chapter 776 and our community.

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Armed Forces Day Picnic

 Chapter 776 hosted its annual Armed Forces Day picnic May 20 at Bicentennial Park, Crystal River.  Among the 54 Chapter members and guests in attendance were honored guests Dennis and Patricia Flanagan, Gold Star parents of Fallen Hero Sergeant Dennis J. Flanagan; Crystal Lizanich, Inverness City Councilwoman; Dr. Scott Hebert, Asst. Superintendent of Citrus Schools; Darrick Buettner, Coordinator of Special Academic Programs for Citrus Schools;  Barbara Mills, Operation Welcome Home and Chapter 776 Honorary Member; Chapter 776 2023 scholarship recipients Evan Jones, Austin Edwards and Marleigh Miller. 

Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart, P.O. Box 1345, Lecanto, FL 34460-1345

Tel:  352-637-3265 or 352-382-3847               Email: